Camp Success!
Camp is fun.  
Camp is messy.
Camp is exhausting. 
Camp is togetherness.  
Camp is alone-ness.  
Camp is camp.  
Camp is good.

I hope that you and your 5th grader have had a chance to celebrate his/her time at camp after a good night's sleep.  We learned A LOT about ourselves and about others.  From the group games like Boston Tea Party and Predator/Prey, to the trail activities like archery, THE giant swing and survival skills, to the free time to fish/play GaGa and wander in the woods, we were jam-packed busy the entire time.  I was so, so proud of all our 5th graders.  Most went through a explosion of emotions during this time:  nervousness, scared, excitement, regret, happiness, sadness, peacefulness (just to name a few).  They were responsible for setting the tables for each meal, getting food for their tables, and cleaning up their tables.  They were responsible for working as a TEAM, motivating each other, and problem solving together.  They were responsible for bedtime, awake time and in between time. Phew!
This might have been the first time they've had this experience to go soul-searching.  There were ups and there were downs.  What I really appreciate, looking back, are the times when it did get hard (homesickness, teams not working together, feeling like they just couldn't do it).  This disequilibrium, the feeling of uneasiness/frustration, had to be dealt with.  It couldn't be overlooked and these 10 and 11 year olds were responsible for overcoming them (with quiet guidance and suggestions from our amazing counselors and chaperones).  They all proved they could do it.  It's messy and didn't feel great in the thick of things, but now they are stronger for it and have tools in their toolbox to deal with life when it hands you lemons.  That said, these 5th graders were UNBELIEVABLY kind, helpful, creative, respectful and loving.  They took care of each other, they danced, they cheered, they laughed.

I look forward to reflecting with them this and throughout the year on the different occasions.

If you haven't checked out the Wealthy Flickr account, we had some fantastic parents take pictures during camp:  If you took pictures, please upload them to the Wealthy Flickr page!

*Math we dive into problem solving and how to be a successful mathematician, it is important for your child to brush up on their math fact skills.  Flashcards, online games, reciting them in the car...please have your child review their multiplication and division facts.  Their success in math relies on quick recall in order to spend more time on the complicated equations they will be tackling.  Go to 5th grade links at the top of this blog for quick links to math games (IXL, Free Rice <go to subjects--math>, Math Fact Games),

*MAP testing is upon us.  If you were curious about knowing more about these assessments, click here.  We have 3 tests that we spread out over 3 weeks.  Please try to avoid appointments/tardiness on these upcoming dates from 8:15-11am:

  • September 23rd (Wednesday)--math
  • September 30th (Wednesday)--reading
  • October 6th (Tuesday)--language use
We will be taking these tests in our own rooms using the district provided Chrome books.  If your child prefers headphones and/or mouse instead of the touch pad, please send them in.  They can be used all year.  We will take MAP again in the winter and then our state assessment M-STEP at the end of the year.

*4th and 5th grade choir begins this Tuesday at 7:30am.  Students enter through the main doors by the office (door #1).

*THURSDAY IS PICTURE DAY!  We will be taking them in the morning.  Picture forms were sent home in binders the first week of school.  Please make sure you turn your picture forms by Thursday.  Send it in early to check it off your list!   

----------MYSTIC MEMORIES----------

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